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St Joseph's Catholic InfantSchool & Nursery

Together we grow in God's love

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Key Stage Two

Once children have gained confidence and independence in the extremely safe, smaller setting of the Infant School, Year Three are bursting to explore the larger environment that the Junior School has to offer.  With a larger playground, ball court and outdoor Gym available, children in Key Stage Two are excited about  transition into the Junior School or 'Big School' as they affectionately call it!  



The same schemes of work are used for all subject areas from Reception all the way up to Year 6 to provide consistency and ensure that learning from the Infants to the Juniors is clearly sequenced and progressive. This is evident in our curricular frameworks available for you to see in the Curriculum area on our website.   


Learning throughout Key stage One and Two is supported by lots of enrichment opportunities and extra curricular activities to fuel children interests and provide opportunities for children to excel in the wider areas o the curriculum such as sport, music, drama and dance. As a school, we invest in working specialised subject secondary school teachers in art, maths and science teachers to extend children's learning beyond Year 6. We maintain strong links with Holy Family Secondary School and Leyton Sixth Form College to challenge children in their learning.      


More recently in 2023, our Key Stage 2 end of year results were above the national average and Local Authority for pupils reaching the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths, which is testament to the hard work of  both children and staff at our schools.  

