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St Joseph's Catholic InfantSchool & Nursery

Together we grow in God's love

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Pupil Voice

At St. Joseph's Catholic Infant school, we place children at the heart of all our decision making. We recognise that young people have a right to have their voice heard with regard to their school life and we really value what they have to say. 'Pupil Voice' gives children the opportunity  to be involved in how and what they learn and in issues that effect them. It also helps them to make positive contributions as citizens in a democratic society.


Please check this page regularly which will be updated by the children (with just a little help), to see what exciting things they have in store!

School Council


Our school council form a very active part of St Joseph's.  They meet regularly with their classes to discuss issues that are important to them to help make a positive difference to their school life and community. They  meet with the Senior Leadership Team to help put their ideas into actions. 

Results from Pupil Questionnaire Autumn Term 2020
