Charity and Fund Raising
At St. Joseph’s Catholic Infant School, we recognise the importance of following the call of Jesus to live our lives with a commitment to the greater good. Through being committed to works of charity, we are developing in children their understanding of the responsibility that has been placed upon us to do what we can to show our support and solidarity with all members of God’s family.
Our commitment to the support of those less fortunate than ourselves leads us to support both local, national and international organisations and charities in their work with those in need.
We are supporting the following charities:-
Macmillan Cancer Support- As part of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning and to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support, Cardinal Wiseman organised a cake sale. We wanted to join in this national event to show our support. All children and staff were invited to attend. Every cake we have sold helps to support someone affected by cancer. Together we can make sure that no one faces cancer alone.
Water Aid- The children undertook a Water Walk to try to understand how hard it is for children (and adults) who undertake a long walk on a daily basis for clean water.
Brentwood Children’s Society
United World Schools- Supporting Teaching to reach the unreached in Ta Lae Cambodia.
Comic Relief
Street 2 Homes- Supporting Homelessness in our own country
Help for Heroes
Whitechapel Mission- Supporting Homelessness in London
Royal British Legion- Supporting those who fought to ensure we have our British Values and live in a Democratic Country
‘Charity Work helps me to realise I am lucky to have the things I have’- D. Year Two Child
‘I feel good if I help others’ S. Year One Child