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Brentwood Catholic Youth Service ( BCYS)

BCYS  Upcoming Events for 2024-2025


Please click the following link : for all the upcoming events for 2024/2025.

BCYS 2022 Events

BCYS Upcoming Events:


We are happy to say that as restrictions continue to ease we are able to start running events within the BCYS.  Here are some ‘save the dates’ for your diaries, with more information coming nearer the time:

Lourdes at your Local – 26th - 30th July. During what would have been our annual pilgrimage to Lourdes we will be hosting Mass at different parishes around the diocese each day that week.  Mass will be at 11am, which will include the Anointing of the Sick and concluding with the Angelus.  We will then have time to gather for refreshments afterwards.  For more information on venues please see our website.

Lourdes on the lawn – 31st July. We are also welcoming our young leaders aged 18+ (School Year 13 and above) to gather together at Walsingham House at Abbotswick, with Mass celebrated by Bishop Alan and followed by a picnic in the beautiful grounds of our retreat centre (12pm – 4pm).

Monthly Youth Mass – 7th July. This will hopefully be our last virtual Youth Mass and will be preparation for our Lourdes at your Local week. Providing restrictions allow we will resume in person Youth Mass at Brentwood Cathedral from September, now on the first Thursday of the month (more details to follow).

Youth Gather – 23rd October. One day Youth Gather at Walsingham House at Abbotswick.  There will be input from John Pridmore and Leila Bousbaa.  This event will be for Year 9 and above.

Catechists Training and Resource Day – 6th November. Being held at Sacred Heart of Mary School, the day will be an opportunity for Catechists to come together and receive input from different organisations including Caritas Brentwood and the BCYS.

For more information on all of our events please see

