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House Saints

House Saints 


At St Joseph's, children are placed in 'Houses' named after saints.


In 2022, the children of St Joseph's voted on who they would like to be their 'House Saints' for the next academic year. The children wanted 'House Saints' who stood for something they believed in, linked to our Catholic Social Teachings (CST) and were more representative of our school community. They wanted 'House Saints' who would be an inspiration to how they live their daily lives. We think they choose incredibly well!


Children work in teams across the schools and are awarded 'House Points' for excellent behaviour, kindness to others, positive attitudes towards learning and living out the Catholic Social Teaching core principles .


At the end of the term, the team with the most 'House Points' receive a special reward such as an afternoon playing in the park, a special Movie afternoon  or some tasty treats!

2022- 2026 House Saints

Find out more about each House Saint 
