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St Joseph's Catholic InfantSchool & Nursery

Together we grow in God's love

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Our Home-School communication system is ParentMail. It is used to send letters, forms and is the way to pay for uniform, trips, school clubs and other items.


ParentMail can be accessed online or via a downloadable app. Please make sure your most up to date email address is registered in the school office and notify us if you change it. The office staff are also available to help talk you through using ParentMail or support you with any problems you may have.


When you have validated your account using your email from the school office, please follow the link to log in:


We would like to encourage all parents to download the APP as there are number of benefits to both you and the school:

  • You dont need to log in to pick up messages or attachments when you use the APP
  • The APP stores all the messages we send you in one place
  • Every message sent arrives as an instant alert on your mobile
  • You help save us money



You can download the APP for free from either:






