The aim of the curriculum at The Federated Schools of St Joseph's is to provide pupils with a rich, relevant, broad and balanced education, in line with the National Curriculum, so they experience:-
‘Enjoyment, Opportunity, Learning and Achievement’
From Nursery to Year 6, the teaching staff consider what they want the children to learn, why they are teaching it and carefully consider how to teach and assess it. We focus on skills, enquiry, research and knowledge, making use of a variety of approaches including using drama, computing, real-life experiences and outdoor learning to name a few, all contribute to providing opportunities to achieve outstanding learning, achievement and significant growth in pupils’ knowledge. The school focuses on promoting excellent attitudes to learning through developing Growth Mind-set which focusses on resilience, perseverance, challenge and effort.
The methods and strategies used to teach these skills are left to the discretion of the year group to ensure that learning and teaching remains fresh, focused and inspiring. The National Curriculum provides the statutory content so that the school can ensure progression and coverage across the key stage. Staff work closely to ensure consistency with a focus on key skills. Our aim is to ensure that there is a breadth to learning and that the children enjoy enrichment activities to further their understanding of the world around them. We aim to inspire and ignite a love of independent learning.
Our curriculum vision is:-
- To inspire future leaders, professionals and socially responsible citizens.
- To enable children to be confident and resilient so that they believe in themselves as individuals in a wider society.
- To support the children to develop their skills to become lovers of books and reading and to become life- long learners.
- Through our high expectations we aim to prepare every pupil to become adult contributors to the good of society as a whole
Our experienced and committed teachers are passionate about ensuring that each child is happy as children are most receptive when they are happy and have the confidence to complete a range of tasks and challenges. We stimulate curiosity. Our days are designed to be fun so that lessons are learned intuitively in an atmosphere of excitement and curiosity.
If you have any questions about the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.