Our Patron Saint - St. Joseph
‘Each of us can discover in Joseph, the man who goes unnoticed,
a daily, discreet and hidden presence, an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble’.
Pope Francis
Saint Joseph is the patron saint of our federated schools.
Saint Joseph was the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and legal father of Jesus. He is the Patron of the Universal Church and Guardian of the Holy Family.
The month of March is dedicated to Saint Joseph and his feast day always falls on 19th March.
Saint Joseph was a hard worker and carpenter who served his community through his trade skills. He taught Jesus the value of hard work. As patron saint of workers, Saint Joseph demonstrates the value of our day-to-day work and how we exist to glorify God, support our families and contribute to society.
Saint Joseph is well known as the patron saint of fathers, families, expecting mothers and unborn children. Among many others, he is the patron saint of attorneys and barristers, emigrants, travelers and house hunters.

Saint Joseph was considered a righteous man – Scripture refers to Joseph as a “righteous” man (Matthew 1:19). In other words, he was a holy and devout man who fulfilled the two greatest commandments— he loved the Lord his God with all his heart and strength, and he loved his neighbor as himself.
The pupils, staff and governors at St. Joseph's Federation, strive to follow his example by working to the best of our ability, caring for others in our school family, community and globally, loving God and loving each other.
Prayer to Saint Joseph
St Joseph, foster father and guardian of Jesus,
husband of Mary and patron of our school,
we call upon you to be our guide and protector.
As we follow your example,
let us be caring, helpful and always be prepared to do our best.
We pray for all who help us to grow in to the person God wants us to be.
We make our prayer through Christ, our Lord.