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St Joseph's Catholic InfantSchool & Nursery

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Food Support

Support With Accessing  Food Over the School Holiday


At  St. Joseph's Catholic Infant School, we recognise that the holiday period can be a struggle for some families financially, and accessing food can be difficult.  We aim to ensure that none of our families are without food over any holiday period and are here to support you in any way we can.


If your child is eligible for free school meals and/or you are worried about having enough food during any holiday period, please speak to Mrs D'Souza, the office staff or any member of school staff. The school will work with you to ensure that all support is discretely provided in the form of food parcels or food vouchers depending on availability at the time.  


We know that sometimes families are faced with unexpected difficulties during the school holiday, or when school is closed.  During these times, families can find information on getting support with food, financial problems and other support on the Waltham Forest Council website.


