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Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer and Liturgy


Prayer and Liturgy, forms the heart of our schools at The Federated Schools of St Joseph's.  Prayer and Liturgy is held for at least 15 minutes at the start of each day.  The Federated Schools of St Joseph's views Prayer and Liturgy  is far more than a statutory requirement. It is crucial to the life of our school and helps us build a sense of community cohesion and is fundamental to our pupils’ overall moral, spiritual and broader educational development. Our Prayer and Liturgy allows us to come together as a school/class to reflect the core values and ethos of our school as well as celebrate our individual and collaborative success. 


Prayer and Liturgy Timetable 


Monday                  Whole School Liturgical Assembly (Parents/ Carers welcome) 

Tuesday                 Class Mass at St Joseph's Church - Autumn Term (Parents/ Carers welcome) 

                                Class Assembly in school - Spring Term  (Parents/ Carers welcome) 

Wednesday            Class Prayer and Liturgy

Thursday                Whole School Hymn/singing Practice  

Friday                     Celebration Assembly and Weekly Catholic Social Teaching Reflection 


At St Joseph's, our Prayer and Liturgy is also an integral part of the a Catholic ethos of our schools where we come together to celebrate important events in the Church’s calendar, such as Lent and Advent, as well as the teaching's from the Gospel on Sunday.  Whether in times of crisis or celebration, the time set aside in the school day for reflection provides everyone with the opportunity to gather and support one another as a community.


Britain is a multicultural and multi-faith society and at St Joseph's we embrace this. As an inclusive school, we welcome families from all religious and non religious backgrounds and our Prayer and Liturgy offers all our pupils the chance to explore and understand the values at the heart of Christ's teaching  from kindness and respect, forgiveness and humility, to gratitude and justice.


All schools are required to offer a Christian act of Prayer and Liturgy every day. Parents can choose to withdraw their children up to 16.

Class Parish Mass at St Joseph's Catholic Church 


St Joseph’s Catholic Church - 9:30am


All KS1 and KS2 Classes take it in turns to attend 9:30am mass at St Joseph’s Catholic Church as part of their prayer and liturgy for this term.


Parents/ Carers are warmly invited to attend with their class if they wish (Parents will need to sit behind the class). Children will register for school as normal in the morning at 8:45am and walk over to the Church with their class. They will return back to school in time for their next lesson. 

Celebrating Mass at St Joseph's Catholic Church in Leyton
