St Joseph's Catholic Infants Amazon Books Wish Lists
Amazon Book Wish Lists.
For Christmas this year we have created an Amazon Book Wish List for each Year Group. Many parents ask what they can do or give to the classes and children at Christmas. As this Christmas will be a little different to those of previous years, we wanted to surprise each class with a box of books that they could share together for the rest of the year. Instilling a passion and love for reading can only be achieved through having high quality books.
Please click on the lists below or copy and paste the link into a web browser to buy and donate books to your child’s class. Your name will be written on the front of the book and read to the class. Please ensure you sign the gift card so we know who has bought the book. We thank the parents who so far have bought books.
Nursery Wish List:
Reception Wish List:
Year One Wish List :
Year Two Wish List: