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St Joseph's Catholic InfantSchool & Nursery

Together we grow in God's love

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Safeguarding Team

At The Federated Schools of St Joseph's Catholic Nursery, Infants and Juniors our highest priority is keeping your child safe. We are proud to say that all our  staff receive regular training to keep up to date with the latest safeguarding procedures. Staff and parents form an essential part of our Safeguarding Team and work together to keep our community safe.


If you have any queries regarding safeguarding, or would like to report a safeguarding concern, please arrange to speak to a member of our Designated Safeguarding Senior Leadership Team by contacting the school office.


St Joseph's Catholic Infant School : 0208 539 3000

St Joseph's Catholic Junior School: 0208 539 5971


The Federated Schools of St Joseph's Catholic Nursery, Infants and Juniors Safeguarding Team

Mrs D'Souza Designated Safeguarding Lead -Infants and Juniors 
Mrs SubebeDesignated Safeguarding Lead - Infants and Juniors 
Mrs NogalesDeputy Designated  EYFS Safeguarding Lead - Infants 
Ms Somerville Deputy Designated  KS1 Safeguarding Lead - Infants 
Miss LykouraDeputy Designated KS2  Safeguarding Lead - Juniors 
Mrs Carmody Deputy Designated KS2 Safeguarding Lead - Juniors 

Concerns can also be reported to the directly to the Waltham Forest Safeguarding Team  


Telephone: 020 8496 2310

E-mail: ​


Under 18 years old?

You can call Childline: 0800 1111

Childline online: 


Adult Support

NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000

NSPCC online: 


