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St Joseph's Catholic InfantSchool & Nursery

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Stephen Lawrence Day

St. Joseph’s Catholic Infant School commemorated the death of Stephen  Lawrence by having a special assembly where racism was explored    alongside stereotypes and the children’s perceptions about words such as Muslin, Gypsy, Christian, Black and White were explored.

The children were able to tell me the following:-

‘The colour of your skin does not matter it is like the colour of your clothes’- Year 2 Child

‘I choose my friends because I like the person and they like me’- Year 1 Child

‘It is the person who matters not their religion or colour or what they wear’- Year 2 Child

‘If you can’t think of something nice to say then don’t bother saying it’- Year 2 Child

We also explored the pressure of people trying to persuade us to make wrong decisions and some of the older children talked about Gangs. The whole issue of racism, belonging, stereotyping was discussed in an age appropriate way and followed up by a series of Assemblies exploring British Values.

